Saturday, January 19, 2008


It has been said that as soon as men and women are truly equal there will be no need for feminists - kind of like how China isn't keen on revolutionaries as they're supposed to be the revolution. The common view is that the opposite of feminist is a chauvinist (I'm sure the dictionary wouldn't approve) but we can do without them now really.

While some countries have appalling equality (and I hope we do get equality - although that doesn't mean men can't be men and women women - or women men and men women, etc, etc) most western countries aren't too bad (although this is a man talking).

As I was walking though Sloane Square and Chelsea (posh and trendy shopping areas in London) I realised that I'd know there was equality when I saw lots of horrendously good looking men walking around with successful (and probably unattractive) women i.e. the reverse of the situation now.

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