I've been quite the healthy eater in the last few years. I am the sad "owner" of one of the crappest livers in the world. When I used to drink alcohol (which I don't now - and don't really miss), I used to get a headache before I had any fun - that's right, instant hangover. Kind of shows why I don't really miss it - not that I could ever drink to forget, I'd still remember it all anyway.
Well, due to more unhealthiness due to being healthy, I decided to give up caffeine last week after a bit of advice and reading on the Internet....and saw lots on caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms which you can apparently get without giving up caffeine - most notably so when you get a headache at the end of the day because you didn't get a coffee (or tea or Coke) during the day.
So, 24 hours later, sickness, nausea, and a loitering headache. Just like a bad hangover. I was only on about 2 coffees a day!!
I struggled through work and got home and went straight to bed and didn't feel "alive" until around 6am. I know I didn't feel alive because I'd made sure I'd had plenty of water. And more water, and more water.
The next day, oddly perky but with a "tiny, tiny" headache lurking in the background and the edge of my consciousness - the type of headache you don't notice until you have a rest then go "ouch".
4 days later. Still with the micro-headache (although I have been avoiding painkillers since "withdrawal day". Feeling more get up and go in the morning though.
Lets see if this all works and my general health improves.
I'm not saying that caffeine was the cause of my problems but apparently it may have been blocking my crap immune system from recovering as it should.
We'll see!